Lytec 2018 Manual

  1. Lytec 2018 Manual Form
  2. Lytec 2018 User Manual
  3. Lytec 2018 Manual
  4. Lytec 2018 Manual Instructions

Title: Microsoft Word - Lytec 2008 Manual All Remittance.doc Created Date: 12/4/2007 12:17:23 PM. Lytec 2019 December 2018 11 Chapter 1 - Lytec at a Glance Entering Payments from Insurance Companies. Entering Payments from Insurance Companies. Use Apply Insurance Payments to enter and apply payments from insurance companies to specific charges. Use the first screen to enter the payments. Apply Insurance Payment screen - Enter Payments. First published in 1992, the Oslo Manual is the international reference guide for collecting and using data on innovation. In this fourth edition, the manual has been updated to take into account a broader range of innovation-related phenomena as well as the experience gained from recent rounds of innovation surveys in OECD countries. With the announcement of General Availability of Medisoft 22 and Lytec 2018, the new Mobile 3.1 release is now available for download on the Apple and Google Play stores. Mobile 3.x will work with Medisoft 21 or higher, and Lytec 2017 or higher. The new features in Mobile 3.1 will only be enabled with Medisoft 22 or Lytec 2018.

Download and install the latest Medisoft software updates to evaluate before buying. Once you’ve had a chance to confirm your purchase, we will send you the activation serial number.

Things to keep in mind before installing:

  • Medisoft software programs can be used for up to 30 days without a valid serial number.
  • 2018
  • Always have a valid backup before attempting an update or upgrade to an existing install.
  • If you are unfamiliar with the installation process, it is highly recommended to contact Maritec support for assistance.
  • These links are provided as a courtesy, Maritec assumes no responsibility for actions taken by customers acting on their own.
  • NPI Registry:The NPI Registry Public Search is a free directory of all active National Provider Identifier (NPI) records

    CMS MIPS Lookup: Use the CMS MIPS Lookup to check if you need to submit data to MIPS.

    CMS Quality Payment Program:The Quality Payment Program provides improvements to Medicare payments via the MIPS and APM payment programs.

    Migration of eMDs web applications and APIs to support only TLS1.2, dropping support for legacy versions of TLS

    What change is taking place?

    Effective January 15, 2020, eMDs will be dropping support for legacy internet encryption protocols and ciphers on our internet facing web applications and APIs. Specifically, eMDs will only be supporting cipher suites that make use of the TLS1.2 protocol as well as the ECDHE key exchange algorithm, dropping RSA-only suites.

    As of the change, the following cipher suites will be the only ones supported by eMDs:


    What, specifically, will be impacted by this change?

    This change will be applied to all web applications and APIs in the eMDs family. This will include Plus, Solution Series Hosting, eMDs Prescribe, Patient Portal, SecureMessaging, SureScripts, all Practice Partner, Medisoft, Lytec services as well as all eMDs Aprima interfaces.

    Why is this change taking place, what does any of us get out of it?


    In a word, plenty! Legacy ciphers and encryption protocols present significant security risks to our environment, our customer’s environments that talk to us, and most importantly, the patients who trust us both with their data. eMDs is committed to the highest standards of information security, and both maintaining support for and requiring use of modern cryptographic controls constitutes no small part of that effort. There have been numerous, highly publicized and extremely damaging data breaches specifically due to support for legacy cryptographic ciphers being used.

    Ok, so it’s important. That doesn’t mean everybody is ready for this. Why can’t you support newer ciphers and let customers who need to use legacy ciphers continue to do so? Isn’t it their choice to take that risk if they choose to do so?

    That certainly seems like a perfectly reasonable argument, however unfortunately, this must be answered with the most categorical “no.” The nature of internet encryption and modern capabilities of hostile actors is such that if any customer is at risk, all customers are at risk, whether any of us likes it or not. You’re all communicating into the same endpoints and interfaces in the eMDs data centers. If we allow legacy cryptographic cipher suites and protocols for even one customer, then that customer’s access into our data centers puts all other customers (and remember, most importantly, patients) at the same risk. The only way for eMDs to effectively mitigate this risk is to eliminate the risk across the board, and by dropping support for legacy crypto, we accomplish that very thing.

    Furthermore, while eMDs chooses to maintain the highest standards of information security, we are not always permitted to choose what those standards are. We are bound by regulations such as HIPAA and PCI. Part of these security standards is dropping support for legacy cipher suites and protocols. It is no longer optional, it must happen. If we don’t do this, not only could we fail to meet strict and very

    important security standards of HIPAA and PCI, but we could also be dropped by important vendors such as SureScripts. They require (or soon will require) this of their customers as well. This is happening across the entire industry.

    Ok, fine, I get it. What do I need to do?

    Possibly nothing! You do not have to configure cryptographic controls, and you don’t have to install or care about ciphers. This is all about updating your software, such as operating systems and browsers. If you are on the latest software (Windows 10, Windows 2016), then you don’t have to do anything, you’re already prepared for this and ready to go.

    Here is a list, based on Microsoft Operating System, of the browsers to have in place for each.

    Windows 7: **Note** Windows 7 is already end-of-life; however, Microsoft extended support doesn’t end until Jan 14, 2020. Depending on your eMDs’ Solution(s), Windows 7 will not be supported prior to or on this deadline to match Microsoft’s end-of-life support.

    • Chrome version 69
    • Firefox version 31.3.0 ESR
    • Firefox version 47
    • Firefox version 62

    Windows 10/2012/2016:

    • Chrome version 70 or later
    • Edge 15
    • Firefox of any version (with updating enabled)
    • Internet Explorer 11 **IE11 on Windows 10, technically, works – however it is never recommended. Even Microsoft cautions against using IE of any version, and eMDs cautions against it as well. It is highly recommended to use a different browser.

    iOS9, 10, X

    • Safari version 9 or later
    • Any version of Chrome with updating enabled
    • Any version of Firefox with updating enabled
    • Apple ATS 9 (on iOS 9)

    Android 4.4.2, 5.0.0, 6.0, 7.0 (or later)

    • Native support with built in browser, or any version of Chrome or Firefox.
    Action Required by 11/1/19 - Diagnosis Search Update - Clinical EMR Patch (8/28/2019)

    With the Practice Partner patches for both 11.1 and 11.2 released on 8/28/2019, an update to the Diagnosis code search system rolled out to our customer base. It is with this new code search update that we will be maintaining new code changes, including those activated in October 2019. Please review the release notes and plan to apply this patch, and all previous, no later than October 31st, 2019.

    As of November 1, 2019, the previous version of code search will no longer function and will return an error for any customer not patched up to the 8/28/2019 patch or later.

    As always, if you have any questions please reach out to eMDs Support.


    eMDs Support

    Medisoft Clinical 11.2 Earns ONC Health IT Certification (1/8/2019)

    AUSTIN, TX – January 8, 2019 – eMDs Medisoft Clinical (Practice Partner) 11.2 has achieved Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-Health IT) 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification via Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body (ACB) that has been empowered to test software for compliance with the requirements of the federal government’s program. The stamp of approval designates that the software offers the functionality that enables eligible providers and hospitals to meet the requirements of various regulatory programs that require use of certified EHR technology.

    “On behalf of our thousands of Practice Partner customers, we are very proud to have achieved 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification for eMDs Practice Partner 11.2,” commented Derek Pickell, eMDs’ CEO. “This certification represents our ongoing commitment to ensuring that our customers can participate and thrive in the increasingly regulated and complex healthcare market and further demonstrates our pledge to continued “Platform Modernization” across all our eMDs software clients.”

    The 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification will assist eligible providers in attesting for Stage 3 Meaningful Use measures as well as the Advancing Care Information (ACI) measures that are part of the Medicare Incentive Payment System (MIPS). eMDs is also proud to have gone beyond minimum criteria such as including the optional Social, Psychological, and Behavioral criteria to meet the needs of practices in special program delivery models like Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+). “This achievement is proof of our continued investment in, and commitment to, our long standing Practice Partner client base,” continued Pickell. To earn the certification, Practice Partner 11.2 was tested to be in accordance with applicable standards and certification criteria put forth by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

    With more than 15 years of testing experience across various industries, Drummond Group LLC (DG) brings a high level of technical expertise to this process. Its healthcare experience also runs deep, having certified hundreds of EHRs since becoming an ACB in 2010. Practice Partner 11.2, which met the requirements for 2015 Edition Health IT Module, is recognized as an advanced, certified electronic health record and practice management solution. The technology has been proven nationwide to help practices of all sizes and specialties to be more productive and profitable while allowing them to focus on their patients and improve care quality. Practice Partner 11.2 certification number is For more details about the certification, please read our ONC 2015 Edition Health IT Certification disclosures. This Health IT Module is 2015 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    About Drummond Group LLC
    Drummond Group LLC is a global software test and certification lab that serves a wide range of vertical industries. In healthcare, Drummond Group tests and certifies Controlled Substance Ordering Systems (CSOS), Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances (EPCS) software and processes, and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) – designating the trusted test lab as the only third-party certifier of all three initiatives designed to move the industry toward a digital future. Drummond Group was founded in 1999, and is an ONC-Accredited Certification Body (ACB) and an Authorized Test Lab (ATL). Drummond Group continues to build on its deep experience and expertise to deliver reliable and cost-effective services. For more information, please visit

    Reminder: Update Your WebView Sender Address (10/16/18)

    It has come to our attention that some customers are still using as their sender address on Webview emails. On November 12, 2018, Webview emails using a sender address of will no longer be processed by eMDs.

    To view your Webview sender address:

    View the ppart folder files WebViewPatientMessage.txt and WebViewConsultantMessage.txt in your favorite text editor. The sender address will be after the “$FROM:” on the first line.

    Follow the directions below to change your Webview sender address:

    If you are using the default SMTP server setup (meaning the SMTP variable in your ppart networkingconfig.ini configuration file is not set) update your Webview email sender address to as follows:

    1. Login to your WebView as the Site Administrator
    2. In the Setup area, click Message Notifications.
    3. Click the Save button.

    After saving, the email templates are updated with the new sender address (

    Clinical 11.1 Patch (2/14/18)

    Patch Bundle Name: 11 Patches 2/14/2018

    Version: 11.0

    Defect Summary:

    197867 Rx – Wrong description received for prescribing Valium with dx code M62.81.

    192303 Rx – The drug interaction warning for Z79.01 is incorrect.

    195507 Rx – Creating script for Zostavax it prompts warnings on Major Problems K52.9 and/or N28.9 but has the wrong descriptions.

    197845 Messaging – Trying to record a Return Receipt message crashes the client. The message subject has an extra character added.

    197787 Vitals – Height in Vital Signs changes when there is a decimal, like 66.5 inches is entered.

    197937 Vitals – After entry a vitals with ounces if edited an additional pound is added on the edit screen. If saved without noticing that added pound will be written to the db.

    197730 Reports – EHR Metrics for a Orders for CPOE Stage 2 2015+ will error if a patient has a ‘/’ in the name. Other characters may cause a problem as well.

    197749 Notes – When using QuickText for Insert Family History, Past family history shows in note.

    197932 Logs – MaintenanceEngine.Log during patching needs to append and not overwrite.

    197859 PPConnect – Applying beta Sch/DemSch patch causes additional interface folder to be added.

    197858 Rx – Refresh on Medication screen while deleting causes highlighter to move to wrong medication to potentially delete wrong medication.

    197847 CCDA – CCDA version 2.1 will not import into chart.

    197981 Notes – Using the Enter| Orders label in a Undefined #1 note tab configured to be signed causes an odd message and for the Order Text to fail to append to the note.

    198008 Registries – The BMI results fail to display if the BMI Date is included.

    198007 Export CCDA – Clinical Encounters show up in detail select for CCDA but are not output in 1.1 format.

    197702 CCDA – Export Medical Summary button disabled in Attachments dialog under a specific workflow.


    198022 Reports – EHR Report – Stage 2 2015 HIE (original logic) measure #2 does not counts a patient in the numerator if their transition encounter has been backdated.

    197976 operator – No check is perfomed to make sure operator name is not admin or support or has a first and last name when opening LAC screen.

    198051 Reports – EHR Report HIE measures – Encounter with both Inbound and Outbound boxes checked do not count in the denominator for the HIE electronic measures when they previously did.

    152124 Coding – cannot change the provider on a charge line with a default provider on the procedure.

    198009 ePrescribing – Transmit Summary screen displays incorrect value in Gender field,

    197794 Messaging – DEX, using On Behalf of does not work after December patches.

    197632 Rx – Extended Sig gets combined when transmitting Similar drugs as a group.

    Date Sensitive Revenue Management Update Required for Change Healthcare Customers (10/8/18)

    Change Healthcare has undergone security and rebranding initiatives to their APIs and Web Services that will require customer action to maintain connectivity. eMDs has made the necessary changes to Revenue Management and is ready to roll out these changes to our customers who are using Change Healthcare for electronic claims, remittance posting (ERAs), and patient eligibility.

    Both the current and updated versions of the Change Healthcare APIs and Web Services are available for use only until October 24, 2018. Beginning October 25, 2018, only the updated version of the APIs and Web Services will be operable. To access the new version of the APIs and Web Services, this will require Revenue Management version updates. If you are not on the updated version of Revenue Management by October 25, 2018, your connectivity to Change Healthcare for electronic claims, remittance posting and patient eligibility will no longer be operable.

    What do I need to do to update Revenue Management to become compliant for the Change Healthcare updates?

    eMDs has posted the Revenue Management v2218 and Revenue Management v1914 updates to accommodate these necessary changes. Please apply this update to your Revenue Management installations prior to October 25, 2018 to ensure you are not negatively impacted by this Change Healthcare update.

    How do I update my current version?

    Lytec 2018 manual

    You can update your Revenue Management with two simple mouse clicks.

    • Open the Revenue Management program from inside Medisoft/Lytec.
    • In the top toolbar, click “Help” and select “Check for Update.”

    IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO GET ON THE LATEST PATCH of Revenue Management v1914 before Wednesday October 10, 2018, or you receive a “Software Not Found Error” when trying to apply your updates, you will not be able to apply this update through the above process. In order to apply this change you will need to follow the steps outlined in the knowledge base article labeled Revenue Management 19/14 – Software Not Found Error as a manual procedure is required.

    It is imperative that you follow the instructions and apply updates as directed above to prevent downtime for your application.

    Announcing the Release of Medisoft and Lytec Mobile 3.0
    eMDs is excited to announce the release of Mobile 3.0 for Medisoft and Lytec, which will be submitted to the Apple Store/Google Play for download on Tuesday, Oct. 3. Users should be able to download the 3.0 application shortly after submission.

    For customers wanting to upgrade, the 3.0 mobile application will be compatible with Medisoft versions 21 and 22 (upcoming release), and with Lytec 2017 and 2018 (upcoming release). If customers do not plan to upgrade to one of these versions, but still intend to utilize the mobile application for the rest of 2017, they will need to back up their mobile devices so that they are able to restore their mobile application if it automatically upgrades to the 3.0 version of the application. Please note that we will not continue to support versions older than 3.0 after December 31st, 2017.

    Reminder: Medisoft and Lytec Mobile MUST Be Updated By End of Year
    With the announcement of General Availability of Medisoft 22 and Lytec 2018, the new Mobile 3.1 release is now available for download on the Apple and Google Play stores. Mobile 3.x will work with Medisoft 21 or higher, and Lytec 2017 or higher. The new features in Mobile 3.1 will only be enabled with Medisoft 22 or Lytec 2018.

    eMDs will no longer be supporting previous versions of the Medisoft and Lytec Mobile applications (1.x and 2.x) after December 31st, 2017. Please make sure that your practices have updated their mobile applications prior to that date.

    Practice Choice EMR Sunset (6/15/17)

    eMDs has made an official decision to sunset Practice Choice. There are several reasons for this decision.

    eMDs acquired the product and quickly determined the platform it was built on is outdated and not sustainable. In order to provide the best long-term solution for Choice customers, we feel that it is better for you to have a pathway to other eMDs products. These offer richer functionality and can support your practice through continued industry changes.

    How Will This Impact Your Practice?
    Existing Practice Choice customers will be required to migrate to a new EHR/PM system. Depending on your product needs and requirements, eMDs has several options in our portfolio.

    A representative from your value-added reseller will reach out to you over the next few weeks to discuss migration options and next steps.

    What is the Timing for the Sunset?
    Customers requiring a 2015 certified solution implemented and live by starting Jan. 1, 2018 for EHR incentive program purposes must have completed their move by December 31, 2017. All customers should plan to move to their new system by 3/31/2018. eMDs will keep Practice Choice available until 4/30/2018 so that customers can reference their data and work down AR.

    Action Items:
    Please join the eMDs Executive team on Wednesday, June 28 for an in-depth discussion of the sunsetting process and migration options. We will be available to answer your questions and concerns. Click here to register for the event.

    eMDs has compiled a list of what we believe will be the most commonly asked questions. We encourage you to download and read this document prior to the webinar.

    Click here to view the FAQ.

    Formulary Expansion (5/23/2017)

    • Related Issue: 6/12/2017 Practice Partner Formulary file size increase
    • Release impacted: V11 and V11.1
    • Customer impact: In order to apply the 6/12/2017 Practice Partner Formulary set, please be certain you have enough space to account for 85 GB more file system space.

    eMDs Support has been made aware of an increase in the size of the Practice Partner Formulary files that will require an additional 85 GB of space to allow for download and deployment. On 6/12/2017, we will post this new Formulary set for download. Please ensure that you have the space available to accept the new Formulary set and if not, take action to ensure this is in place by your first initiated Formulary download on or after 6/12/2017.

    Windows 10 Creator Update Issues Being Reported (4/17/17)
    Lytec 2018 Manual

    Microsoft recently released the Windows 10 Creators Update that is causing issues with the Medisoft configuration settings. The Windows 10 Creators Update released in March 2017, includes 3D in Windows 10, built-in game broadcasting, new tab management features and more in Microsoft Edge, and enhanced security features such as a new Microsoft privacy dashboard. As part of the security enhancements, Windows re-enables Windows Defender and user account control, both of which are known to hinder performance or use of Medisoft.

    What Does the Issue Look Like?

    If you install the update, when you try to launch Medisoft Practice Management, it will show the typical Medisoft splash screen displaying the version followed by a pop-up window message stating “Medisoft has stopped responding. Windows is looking for a solution”. The window will show a green loading bar and after attempting to resolve will then state “Medisoft has stopped responding. Please close the program”. After receiving these prompts the user will be forced to close the program.

    What actions can you take to avoid this issue?

    If you own a Windows 10 PC and have Windows automatic updates enabled or are prompted to download the Windows 10 Creators Update, simply “decline” or “deselect” the option to perform the update. You do not need to apply this update.

    If you purchase a new Windows 10 PC, then the Creators Update should already be installed. Maritec Medical will adjust the configurations needed upon installing Medisoft onto your new PC.

    Further Issues or Concerns?

    Call Maritec Medical Support at 440-899-7067 x1.

    WebView Migration (3/1/2017)

    After the successful migration of Webview to the e-MDs server infrastructure on October 31, 2016 we are now at a stage where we need to replace the URL going forward.

    On March 1st the McKesson URL ( for accessing Webview will no longer forward. After that date only the eMDs URL ( will be directing traffic to Webview. Due to this the actions below, if not already taken, are required to ensure no negative impact to your patient’s access. Update the PMSIWebView variable from to in your networkingconfig.ini configuration file. The networkingconfig.ini file is located in your ppart folder on your Practice application server.

    If you are using the default SMTP server setup (meaning the SMTP variable in your ppart networkconfig.ini configuration file is not set) update your Webview email sender address to as follows:
    – Login to your WebView as the Site Administrator
    – In the Setup area, click Message Notifications.
    – Click the Save
    – After saving, the email templates are updated with the new sender address (

    We also suggest the following be completed:
    – Remind your patients to use your new Webview URL and to update any favorites they use. Note the only change in the URL is that mckesson is replaced with emds.
    – Review your practice websites and documentation. If you have links to update the links to replace mckesson with emds.

    At present time both the and URLs will continue to function however we do plan to discontinue the use of the reference in the as of March 1st, 2017 .

    Clinical 11.0 Patch (2/3/2017)

    Patch Bundle Name: 11 Patches 2/3/2017
    Version: 11.0

    Defect Summary:

    195079 CQM – Data elements (ICD10 codes, Lab codes) in measures are causing Cypress errors due to space padding with Oracle & SQL DBs.

    195076 CQM – The QRDA 1 reports are failing to include the NPI values for Oracle and SQL databases.

    195066 CQM – Change age range displays for measures #126 and #155 due to inconsistency with CMS.


    Are you looking for best-in-class medical billing software that will also allow you to optimize all other office workflows? Lytec Practice Management software provides an ANSI 5010 compliant, powerful workflow engine to manage the scheduling, billing and revenue management functions of your practice. The new 2020 version has all of the tools necessary to effectively manage patient accounting, insurance billing, claims tracking, accounts receivable, and appointment scheduling – streamlining all of your medical billing and office tasks.

    Why MediPro and Lytec?

    Since 1995, MediPro has been selling and supporting the Lytec Practice Management Software. Backed by more than 20 years in the healthcare industry, MediPro helps medical practices automate processes in a way that saves time, money and hassle. Because of our passion for user satisfaction, we’ve received numerous national awards and honors.

    Interested in streamlining your practice’s daily tasks through proven medical management software? Ready to move your office forward? Contact MediPro. Our Healthcare Consultants will be happy to explain our products and services to help you find the right medical software solution.


    Lytec offers advanced scheduling features for every size practice.

    • Single or multiple resource view
    • Ability to collect co-payments at the time of arrival
    • Wait lists
    • Customized appointment reports


    Lytec is robust and flexible allowing you to manage the billing processes with ease.

    • Patient and insurance billing, electronic claims and automatic payment posting (ERA)
    • User customizable billing screen
    • Enter charges and payments without having to jump around from screen-to-screen
    • Multiple fee schedules
    • Custm charge entry rules and messages


    Lytec mobile is a free application that works with Lytec to help your practice run smarter and improve productivity.

    • Patients can enter data in the waiting room with the patient intake
    • Quickly enter charges using the electronic superbill
    • Lytec mobile appointment schedule

    Patient Accounting

    Easily keep track of your accounts receivables with Lytec.

    • A/R tracking module
    • Track insurance allowed amounts
    • Timely filing tracking
    • Collection list


    Keep track of your practices financial health through Lytec’s cuomprehensive reporting options.

    • Day sheet, transaction journal and practice analysis reports
    • Monthly and yearly summaries
    • Aging reports
    • Over 50 various reports and options to choose from

    Single User Version

    Easy and simple installation makes the Lytec single user version the perfect solution for the small office that only has a need for one user.

    Multi User Versions

    Used for installations on either a smaller network up to 5 computers or use the Lytec client/server version for up to 100 users. No matter what the size of your practice, Lytec has your solution!

    Cloud-Based Version

    Tired of dealing with expensive hardware or have multiple locations? Use our cloud-based version of Lytec and let us handle everything for you.

    Get Paid

    • Clearinghouse – Electronic claims, online eligibility and electronic payment posting.
    • Patient Cost Estimator – Generate an estimate for procedures and collect payment upfront.
    • BillFlash – Send professionally printed and email statements with patient payment portal.
    • Credit Card Processing – Collect payments and automatically post into Lytec.

    Communication Through Automation

    • Telemedicine – Connect with patients virtually from anywhere. Virtual visits are faster, cost less and expand your reach enabling you to help more people.
    • MessagesPro – Appointment reminders and secure text messaging.
    • MasterScan – Lytec’s document management solution.
    • eRx – Electronic ePrescribing with optional controlled substances.

    Lytec 2018 Manual Form

    Secure & Protect

    • Onsite Backup – Protect your data and computer files and protect against ransomware. Secure, scheduled backups are performed daily.
    • Secure Email and Text Messaging – Communicate securely with your patients.

    Lytec 2018 User Manual

    Mobilize Your Office

    • Lytec PM Cloud – Access Lytec from anywhere you have an Internet connection. Includes access 24/7/365, updates, upgrades, support and backup.
    • Lytec Mobile – A Free Lytec add-on which enables you to view your schedule, electronically capture charges and more.

    Lytec 2020 New Features

    • Scanning – New duplex scanning capability and a new scan view to allow full-page viewing.
    • Charge Entry – Alerts for missing information when entering charges resulting in cleaner claims.
    • Eligibility – Enhanced eligibility response display with expandable sections.
    • Collections – Customize the daily schedule to include patient and account balances.
    • Timely Filing – A/R Tracker now has new filters for appointment and timely filing dates.
    • Much More – Mobile, Patient Connect and other improvements.

    Lytec Billing

    Lytec Daysheet

    Lytec 2018 Manual

    Lytec Mobile

    Patient Demographics

    Lytec 2018 Manual Instructions

    Lytec Scheduler