Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface

  1. Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface Definition
  2. Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface In Rhino
  3. Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface Symptoms
Where can I find this command?



Part 2 of our introduction to Rhino built on the developments we made in part 1, primarily constructing and manipulating simple and complex surfaces. Before moving onto two-way surfaces, we began by experimenting with some of Rhino’s more complex transformation tools. We study closed topological 2n-dimensional manifolds M with poly-surface fundamental groups. We prove that if M is simple homotopy equivalent to the total space E of a Y-bundle over a closed. In the attached the “client” wants to offset the simple polysurface object to the outside 0.1 units, solid. OffsetSrf with rounded corners succeeds, but the client wants sharp corners. OffsetSrf with sharp corners explodes and leaves gaps OK, let’s try the OffsetMesh route Mesh the object Unable to get all simple 1 triangle faces, they are arbitrarily split OffsetMesh the result. Comment/Like/Subscribe for more Rhino How To Videos:)This is a quick little demonstration on how to add thickness to a Rhino polysurface using the Offset Su.




Offset Surface

The OffsetSrf command copies a surface or polysurface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface.


1. Select a surface or polysurface.
2. Type the offset distance, and press Enter.



Specifies a distance for the offset.



Creates a fillet at sharp corners in the original surface.


Maintains the sharp corner when the original surface has a sharp corner.


Flips the offset direction of all selected surfaces. Arrows indicate the positive offset direction.


Makes a closed solid from the input and offset surfaces by lofting a ruled surface between all of the matching edges.

Loose (Surfaces only)

The resulting surface point structure is identical to the original surface.


Sets the tolerance for the offset surface. Type 0 to use the default tolerance.


Draws the offset on both sides of the original.



Deletes the original geometry.


Retains the original geometry.


Positive values offset in the direction the arrows. Negative values offset the other way.
When a plane, torus, sphere, open cylinder, or open cone surface is offset, the resulting surface is exact. Free-form surfaces are offset to within the value of the Tolerance option.
When offsetting surfaces are joined that are part of a polysurface, there is no guarantee that the offset surfaces will also join into another polysurface. For example, offsetting the six sides of a box will not result in a larger closed box. It will return six separate surfaces with gaps between the edges.
The OffsetSrf command does not maintain the overall structure of the starting polysurface in the offsets. Each surface offsets as an individual object.
Troubleshoot shelling

Shell and OffsetSrf for polysurfaces are works in progress. There are several known problem areas:

Singular surfaces can cause problems, especially when the offset of the surface must be extended at the singularity. The extensions are done in OffsetSrf (Corner=Sharp) and shelling, which always uses sharp corners. These extensions happen when the offsets of adjacent surfaces come apart. Also, cone-like singularities cause problems in all cases.
Complex vertices (ones with more than three edges) can be problematic, especially in shelling and sharp corner offsets and where some, but not all, of the surfaces at the vertex offset apart.
OffsetSrf on polysurfaces with naked edges, where the naked edges make concave boundaries will not work correctly.
If faces adjacent to the removed faces offset in such a way that the removed face must be extended to fill in the gap, it will fail.
Any surface whose offset self-intersects will cause a problem.

See also

Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015

Permalink Reply by Erick Vásquez on June 11, 2011 at 3:46pm

Hi Mohamed

I found this definition, and run ok



Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface Definition

  • MESH TO BREP.ghx, 867 KB
Permalink Reply by Mohamed Naeim on June 11, 2011 at 4:06pm

thanks Erick ... what about the second part , is it possible to populate component into mesh the same way we subdivide a surface

Permalink Reply by Dedackelzucht on June 14, 2011 at 4:02am

My version is quiet simillar.

have a look.

Best Regards


  • 110614_define Mesh edges_CreateSrf_DeDackel.ghx, 425 KB
Permalink Reply by Michael Pryor on March 21, 2013 at 7:32am

This way you can do quad and tri mesh in one def, good for meshes that have both.

  •, 4 KB
Permalink Reply by Tim Halvorson on May 6, 2016 at 11:09am
Permalink Reply by Andrea van Hintum on January 16, 2015 at 10:09pm

Hello, I am trying to turn my mesh of my corset into a surface. this definition works for my mesh. I will be 3D printing the corset and it will be in my senior collection at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Would you give me the permission to use this definition? I will include your name in my progress and description summary.


Permalink Reply by Dedackelzucht on January 18, 2015 at 1:59pm


do mean my file? If so, of course you can use it!

Have fun with it! And thank you for asking, this has been the first time ever someone asked me, :-)

Good luck and all the best!

Permalink Reply by chloexiao on February 14, 2012 at 11:52pm
Permalink Reply by Miklós Hatvani Deák on December 19, 2012 at 7:37am

I conected it to a 'wbCatmullClark' (it is mesh) command and the Command 'Vertices' is red. Why ?

What do you think ?

Best regards,


Permalink Reply by felipe mateo on December 11, 2011 at 6:22pm

I'm using thistraditional method.



Permalink Reply by s-sharky on August 22, 2014 at 7:15am

Hi, I just tried to use the method but I ran into a problem when trying to use loft. My mesh might be too complicated, would you know how to fix my problem please? Is there a way how to fix the crazy LOFT ? Thanks a lot, Sharka

Permalink Reply by s-sharky on August 22, 2014 at 7:37am

Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface In Rhino

  • sarka.3dm, 148 KB
  • sarka, 22 KB

Offsetsrf Failure On Complex Polysurface Symptoms

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