- If you want your Engineer to summon or construct lots of machine bots to deal massive damages to your enemies while keeping your guard up to avoid deadly attacks, then this build is for you! Back to Torchlight II FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List.
- Torchlight 2 Engineer Skill Tree guide will proivde you with all the tips you need to upgrade. The Torchlight skill tree will guide you through all the levels and different types of upgrades that you need to level up your engineer class. Follow the tips below or you can take a look at the video.
- In short, what makes the Engineer's charge mechanic work so well is that it functions as an interesting resource, something that Torchlight 2 appears to be sorely lacking. While the interplay between charge and mana would be even more special if you couldn't have your cake and eat it too by just spending mana to build charge and then drinking a.

The Engineer Is Awesome. You'll want to pick two to focus on for your build-type, but don't ignore the other three completely. Tips For Playing Torchlight II The Best Way.
Torchlight 2 Engineer Skill Tree guide will proivde you with all the tips you need to upgrade.
The Torchlight skill tree will guide you through all the levels and different types of upgrades that you need to level up your engineer class. Follow the tips below or you can take a look at the video guide above which does a great job on explaining the Engineer Skill Tree.
Outlander Skill Tree Guide
Engineer Skill Tree Guide
Embermage Skill Tree Guide
Blitz Skill Tree
Blitz is the Engineer’s offensive skill tree, focusing on augmenting his melee attacks and overall combat effectiveness.
Flame Hammer: Your weapon create 4 fire splinters upon the point of impact
Supercharge: When hitting enemies there is a chance you can supercharge your weapon for the next 10 seconds.
Seismic Slam: Your stomp causes enemies to get stunned and catch fire around you.
Ember Hammer: A side long swing of your weapon.
Coup de grace: When hitting an already stunned target there is a chance they may get electrocuted.
Construct Skill Tree
Construction is the Engineer’s Support skill tree, focusing on summoning support bots for self-buffing and assistance in combat.
Healing Bot: You deploy a small robot that gives out an energy pulse both you and your allies. (heal pets and allies)
Bulwark: Increases your armor rating by 2%.
Blast Cannon: A long range projectile missile attack requiring a cannon in your arsenal.
Torchlight 2 Best Engineer Build Elite
Spider Mines: Moving mines carried on the back of small robot spiders.
Gun Bot: A small turret firing at your enemies at the rate of 5 rounds per second. It lasts for 60 seconds.
Cannon Mastery: Your skill with the cannon grow, your attack speed with the cannon is increased by 3%.
Shock Grenade: A grenade which when thrown can possibly shock and stun your foes in a 4 meter radius for 4 seconds.
Fusillade: A barrage of rockets from you cannon.
Torchlight 2 Engineer 2h Build
Sticky Bombs: Whenever you attack a stunned target you attach a bomb to him which explodes 3 seconds later.
Aegis Skill Tree
Aegis is the Engineer’s Defensive skill tree, focusing on protecting himself and channeling powers through his shield (if he has one) and his Embercraft armor.
Shield Bash: Bash enemies with your shield to slow them or interrupt them.
Storm And Board: It adds some of your shield armor value to your melee weapon’s damage value.
Force field: An aura generated around you by your armor to protect you from attacks.
Torchlight 2 Summoner Engineer Build
Aegis Of Fate: A defensive bubble that generates around you when enemies attack.
Torchlight 2 Best Solo Class
Overload: Overload your targets armor to electrocute up to 5 enemies in a 6 meter radius.