Friendship Quotes From The Epic Of Gilgamesh

Friendship Quotes From The Epic Of Gilgamesh

This second assumption is also clearly presented in the Epic, and Gilgamesh says literally that Enkidu was 'the sword in my belt, the shield for my front' (Tablet VIII in Stephanie Dalley´s Myths from Mesopotamia, Epic of Gilgamesh, page 92), and upon Enkidu´s death, Gilgamesh´s sorrow is deep, poignant and moving. The epic of Gilgamesh, the first written story in human history, promotes sexism as well. Gilgamesh was a MAN created by gods, therefore he had no equal. He traveled across the land and finally settled and built the walls of Uruk. Uruk became the finest city and flourished.

Friendship Quotes From The Epic Of Gilgamesh Summary


Everybody in this world needs a friend. The Epic of Gilgamesh was a book that tells the story of two friends, Enkidu and Gilgamesh. Friendship was an important theme in The Epic of Gilgamesh because it showed the reasons of Gilgamesh's grief and why he tried to do the impossible just so his friend Enkidu could come back to life. It also showed how loyal friends could be to each other. Enkidu only knew the animals and Gilgamesh, who was a king that had never treated anyone with equal rights.

Both men knew that their friendship would work out when the prostitute and Ninsun, said, 'It will be a person, she continued Speaking in her somber monotone, A companion who is your equal In strength, a person loyal to a friend, Who will not forsake you and whom you Will never wish to leave. Gilgamesh was quiet at this interpretation Of his dream.' (p. 19) Ninsun was right, and the friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu was one of great loyalty and trust.

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Friendship Quotes From The Epic Of Gilgamesh Pdf

The formation of friendship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu was very shocking. As soon as they met each other, they started to fight. This event would have led people to think that their friendship wouldn't work out and that they would be enemies. As the book develops, we all learn that this is proven incorrect by their loyalty to one another. An example of this would be the following quote, 'And they were friends: They had embraced and made their vow To stay together always, No matter what the obstacle. (p. 27) The best way the author portrayed this loyalty is by showing their companionship and encouragement to one another. When one of the friends showed weakness, the other reinforced fearlessness and reminded them of their friendship and how they will always be together. 'No, Enkidu cried; it is the journey That will take away our life. Don't be afraid, said Gilgamesh We are together. There is nothing We should fear…… Suddenly it was Gilgamesh wh…